How frequently should I get my windows cleaned?

The frequency at which you should clean your windows depends on several factors, such as the location of your home or office, the weather conditions in your area, and the level of pollution and dust in your environment.

As a general rule, it's recommended to have your windows professionally cleaned at least twice a year, ideally in the spring and fall, to remove any accumulated dirt, grime, and other debris. However, if you live in a particularly dusty or polluted area, or if your windows are frequently exposed to harsh weather conditions, you may need to have them cleaned more often.

Additionally, if you notice that your windows are starting to look dirty or streaky, or if you have guests coming over and want to make a good impression, it's a good idea to have them cleaned before then.

Ultimately, the frequency of window cleaning will depend on your personal preferences and the specific conditions of your environment, but regular cleaning is important to maintain the appearance and longevity of your windows.


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